““CHBC members see renewable hydrogen as the cornerstone of the zero-emission transportation future in California. At-scale renewable hydrogen production is critical, not only for FCEVs, but also to support fueling of medium and heavy-duty vehicles like buses and trucks. This roadmap outlines initiatives to meet the demand for those vehicles.””
— Jeff Serfass, Executive Director of the California Hydrogen Business Council
““EIN’s Renewable Hydrogen Roadmap lays out policy and action recommendations to help California achieve its ambitious energy, climate and air quality goals by dramatically reducing pollution and GHG emissions from the energy generation and transportation sectors. California is globally renowned for its environmental leadership and innovation, embracing clean energy policies that are reducing carbon emissions and pollution while creating new jobs and economic growth opportunities that are the envy of the world. Pioneering the renewable hydrogen marketplace offers a tremendous opportunity for California to continue to lead the way.””
— Brian Goldstein, Executive Director of Energy Independence Now